PSU Consent

Scott Fried speaks to Penn State students about consent, HIV, AIDS Scott talked to PSU students about the importance of consent and how this lesson affected his life. Published: February 8, 2016

A Friend In Fried

A Friend In Fried Marjory Stoneman Douglas invited Scott to speak to the student body about importance of loving yourself and living with your mistakes. Published: October 6, 2015

PSU Daily Collegian

Speaker Scott Fried visits Penn State to talk about World AIDS Day and self-acceptance Scott talks to PSU students about his experience and educates about treatments for HIV and AIDS. Published: December 2, 2015

Sun Sentinel

How Social Media is Making Teens Unhappy Scott discusses how social media can have an adverse impact on teen self-esteem. Published: January 28, 2015


TEDxPSU talks aim to spark conversation Scott shared his message at the TEDxPSU conference at Penn State University Published: March 2, 2015

5 – MD

AIDS Speaker/Author Discusses Life Scott Fried informed an Angell Hall auditorium filled with hundreds of people last night that if they were expecting to learn about AIDS, this was not the right lecture.  Fried spoke to a room filled with mostly teenagers about the value of life and the sanctity of the [...]

4 – aids report

To Engage Teens - Love Them & Tell the Truth, Says AIDS Educator Let's face it, teenagers and adults don't often see eye to eye and sometimes aren't even able to communicate with each other effectively. For counselors in HIV/AIDS prevention and education, these barriers can be life threatening. How can you [...]

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