Julie Halpern

Your message was so personal and so well done that you could have heard a pin drop in that packed theater. And instead of hoping that maybe some of them will get something out of it, I believe they all did. One of my students was sitting near me during the presentation and the tears [...]

Rabbi M. Bruce Lustig, Holli Goral, Ph.D., and Rabbi Joui Hessel

Your talk stressed four very important topics for the students to ponder: that life is full of contradictions and choices we can make, accountability, feelings and the sacredness of all of us. These topics gave the students a lot think about and discuss with the Rabbis and amongst themselves. We are very grateful for your [...]

Aleza R. Kulp

I know that each teenager that heard you speak will remember your message and, God willing, learn to love themselves on both the inside and outside. Your message will never be forgotten!

Amanda S. Wachstein

The high level of energy and strength you provided the participants was outstanding. Your ability to engage each person and truly reach every participant is a gift. The honest demeanor you held while speaking in a group and one-on-one captivated everyone.

Donna O’Dwyer & Maureen Cole

We have been organizing the AIDS Awareness Program the past nine years and we all agree that yours was the best to date. You kept the students' attention in an unprecedented manner.

Gail Kipper

The feedback here has been outstanding. Both students and staff have emailed me and stopped me in the hall to say that they've never experienced a speaker like you before. Teachers are still in shock that the entire group of 8th graders sat still for the entire presentation. What you did here for our children [...]

Lorraine Millman

Your message and your kindness stayed with me throughout the weekend, after Friday's school-wide talk. So many individuals, both staff and students alike, have spoken to me about how moved they were by your talks. You most definitely affect both thought and action by your powerful and sincere presentation.

Susan Beckerman

When you walk in the room and start talking, you exude such an energy - it's an if you are glowing - like concentric circles of heat, courage and honesty that rappels around the room, touching each individual in its path. We are enriched by you.

Orlee Guttman

Our interns found you honest, provoking and most of all inspiring. Thank you for genuinely touching all of our interns this summer. We are grateful for the many years of support and look forward to many more to come.