Jen S.

Dear Scott, I wanted to write and say thank you for speaking to the parents at Kol Ami this week. I had to leave early for a work event and missed the last 30 minutes. Originally, I had planned to stay only an hour and divide my time. Your lecture was so informative and moving [...]

With Love, Olga

I just wanted to say thank you for giving such an inspiring, insightful, emotional and moving talk today. (I was the one that was compelled to hug you at the end.) You brought a wealth of information, ideas and tips that are accessible for me, as a mother, to actually use, but you also gave me [...]

anonymous grandparent

I was happy to be with my granddaughter and see what an impression the speaker made on her. He touched on so many important subjects to our youth, some that parents and grandparents weren't in tune with or have yet to discuss with their kids. Sammy was so touched by his stories that at the conclusion, she [...]


My son was so incredibly moved by you, your story, and your talk. I heard all about it in the car on the way home after swim practice. Your talk provoked such a beautiful and intimate discussion between us. I can't remember the details of our conversation but racing up the FDR in the dark [...]

A Grateful Grandmother

I bought his books to give to my teenagers when they get older, so they can read them when they are parents themselves. Have faith in me when I honestly state that since your appearance in Minneapolis last Sunday, you have been "with me." You sit silently on my shoulder and near my heart. I [...]

Dan Ojserkis

Scott woke me up to the fact that drugs, sex and risky behavior are issues for my teenage kids NOW. Not someday soon but RIGHT NOW.  His message is even for 'good kids' and straight-A students. When he speaks to the kids, you could tell what the real issues are FOR THEM - a sense [...]

Mark Soifer

Scott's message is at the same time both deeply personal and universal; his presentation compelling. Parents will be moved and educated by Scott's story.

Karen Schwab

Scott Fried has a way of talking about uncomfortable, unpleasant issues that need to be discussed in a way that makes teens want to listen and ask questions. He reassures them that others share their thoughts, feelings and fears and that they are worthy for who they are. He is a startling and powerful speaker.


Scott's ability to connect with humor, intelligence, compassion, memory and caring to parents and children was a sacred gift. He is the greatest, most inspirational speaker I've ever heard! I feel sorry for any teen who couldn't be there!...What an exceptional and motivating speaker. I've never seen a group of kids this age sit still [...]

A Mom in San Francisco

I am a mom and therefor a "pain absorber." We are all children at some level...the level that holds onto the big scary world of despair. Let me thank you again for your unselfish ability to open your heart to strangers. Let me thank you once again for your words that actually dissolved my heart [...]

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