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Podcast: The Changing Face of AIDS

In the early '80s, HIV/AIDS was a seen as a disease of risk groups. Three decades later, we know it is a disease of risk behavior. But more than a disease, AIDS can also be seen as a metaphor that reminds us to love one another, to offer kindness and to learn about life. This [...]

Podcast: Teenager’s Quotes on Love

One summer, I asked some teenage campers to tell me their thoughts about love. Here's what they taught me. The song, "Ain't Love Easy?" was written by Carol Hall, performed live at St. Peter's Church in New York City. [divider line_type="No Line" custom_height="35"]JTNDaWZyYW1lJTIwd2lkdGglM0QlMjIxMDAlMjUlMjIlMjBoZWlnaHQlM0QlMjIxNjYlMjIlMjBzY3JvbGxpbmclM0QlMjJubyUyMiUyMGZyYW1lYm9yZGVyJTNEJTIybm8lMjIlMjBzcmMlM0QlMjJodHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRncuc291bmRjbG91ZC5jb20lMkZwbGF5ZXIlMkYlM0Z1cmwlM0RodHRwcyUyNTNBJTJGJTJGYXBpLnNvdW5kY2xvdWQuY29tJTJGdHJhY2tzJTJGMTU1MjI2MDYwJTI2YW1wJTNCY29sb3IlM0RmZjU1MDAlMjZhbXAlM0JhdXRvX3BsYXklM0RmYWxzZSUyNmFtcCUzQmhpZGVfcmVsYXRlZCUzRGZhbHNlJTI2YW1wJTNCc2hvd19hcnR3b3JrJTNEdHJ1ZSUyNmFtcCUzQnNob3dfY29tbWVudHMlM0R0cnVlJTI2YW1wJTNCc2hvd191c2VyJTNEdHJ1ZSUyNmFtcCUzQnNob3dfcmVwb3N0cyUzRGZhbHNlJTIyJTNFJTNDJTJGaWZyYW1lJTNF

Podcast: Life is Sweet

"We are all living with AIDS." That's what the scrap of paper hanging from my fridge reminds me everyday. Natalie Merchant's song "Life is Sweet" reminds me that life is sweet too. The decision to see it one way or the other is wholly mine each day. And yours.   I am not here to [...]