02 FROM SCARED TO SACRED: AIDS, Love, & Staying Alive

This 90-minute presentation details Scott’s personal story – contacting HIV at age 24, surviving almost three decades, and ultimately turning a curse into a blessing. Scott describes having HIV infection in a context all young people can understand: vulnerability, loneliness, isolation and hopelessness. His story provides a powerful example of learning from your mistakes [...]

10 THE CLOSET MONOLOGUES: Coming Out and Embracing your Sexual Orientation

The issues facing today's LGBTQQI young people are both as old as time and as new as today's headlines. In this program, Scott addresses many of the challenges and responsibilities facing gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered youth. The program deals with how societal shame can transform into internalized self-hatred and cause a multiplicity of [...]

09 DO I LOOK FAT IN THIS? – Eating Disorders, Body Image and You

This program is for both male and female students, covering topics such as body image, sexuality, dating, refusal skills and self-abuse. Discussion includes ways to find peace with an inner existential void, how to ascertain the causes of negative thinking, addressing our self-destructive behavior and learning to live with emptiness. Potential Audiences: [...]

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