02 FROM SCARED TO SACRED: AIDS, Love, & Staying Alive

This 90-minute presentation details Scott’s personal story – contacting HIV at age 24, surviving almost three decades, and ultimately turning a curse into a blessing. Scott describes having HIV infection in a context all young people can understand: vulnerability, loneliness, isolation and hopelessness. His story provides a powerful example of learning from your mistakes [...]

06 THAT’S SO GAY! – A Conversation Around Bullying and Healing

In this discussion, Scott outlines different types of bullying in our teen communities, including the use of the Internet and modern technology as well as speech to wound, manipulate or lie and how it not only hurts others but damages our own soul's development. This workshop offers ways to help revert this harmful behavior, [...]


Social networking allows us to manipulate our image and broadcast to the world the illusion of who we want to be, instead of who we really are. In this lecture, Scott discusses how social media can creates false intimacy, instead of allowing teens to experience true closeness. He also discusses other dangers, explaining how [...]

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