
Dear Michelle:

I get you
I really get you
I hear you
And I believe you
You matter
Your life has meaning
It does
You exist
In poetry and in pain
In fear and even greater fear

You affect others
The world is moving and pulsing with your sorrow and with your joy
You are normal
You are a contradiction
You are not alone
And you are allowed to be scared that you are slipping further away from the person you are “supposed to be”

I get you
You are getting through to me
Life, yours, has a purpose
Just keep breathing
And instead of letting go…think…let it come..

Stand on the midway of your life, with open hands
Look back with a mournful wave good-bye
Look forward with anticipation

Collect the questions
Hold off on the answers for a while

Maybe…just maybe
It’s always been worth it

I hear you
You are getting through
